Russell was energetic, hyperactive and funny! It was a brilliant lecture and I could see the amount of passion he has for what he does! I loved how he kept going off on tangents and telling us stories about his life. It reminded me of my work, I always tend to go off the guidelines but sometimes they can be the best bits! Odd directions are what I feel makes work more interesting, looking at the unexpected and thinking about none cliched routs.
Just like Dr.Me and Helen Buttorworth, he told us not to be afraid of getting ourselves out there and doing some free work for clients, the free work can sometimes lead into jobs, these are also great when wanting to build up the portfolio and giving yourself exposure. He told us to remember people you’ve worked with and keep in touch, networking came up in the Ten Alps talk so I already knew how important this was. Ten Alps was from a media and T.V point of view, so it was good to hear this from a designers perspective!
Compared to Joanna Niemeyer who really put me off freelance, Russell made it more appealing! I now feel that I can look at this as an option after initially writing it off after hearing about the troubles Joanna went through. She really put me off it and I’m glad that we had Russell because otherwise my state of mind about freelancing wouldn’t have changed. I now see it as a brilliant opportunity and feel more equipped of how to go about it! Russell was so helpful and I wasn’t hesitant to attend the more exclusive talk in the studio!
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