Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Tacheles was a wacky place! I have never seen anything like it before! Thinking back to my feelings about the grafitti lift we saw on the first day, it was nothing compared to this place! It was so unusual but I loved the expression you could feel from the artists work. 
Over 50 artists have studio space at Tacheles, they were working as we were looking around, you could see what they were producing and could ask them about their work if you wanted to. The walls inside the building were floor to ceiling with street art, every space was filled with a funny little spray painted man or a piece of well designed type. It really was fantastic to think about how they have turned what was a derelict building into such an inspiring place for artists and designers. If this place was near by I would certainly visit for inspiration! 
Outside, Tacheles was like a dumping ground, old bits of cars, metal pieces, bits of mirrors old fridges. A lot of the work you had to step over or climb through to get a view of it, but I felt that this added to the freedom of expression, it wasn’t highly structured like you would find at the MOMA in New York or any other museum, it was the complete opposite! Everything was everywhere and you had to search to find work. It was great, the way it was laid out made you feel like part of the work, I felt involved. Brilliant place!

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